14 through 16 June — Servian

14 June

The last few days have been really hot and more humid than we are used to. It makes the nights uncomfortable. Today there is an incredible breeze (15 mph) and the house is staying nice and cool even though it’s HOT in the sun. (We will not longer complain about the wind!) We have all the windows open both upstairs and downstairs. To remind us what poor housekeepers we have been, there are huge dust bunnies flying all over the house including flying down the stairs! HA! So I guess we ARE cleaning up today as we run after the dust bunnies to grab them and throw them in the trash.

A week from today we will be in Italy–just a few miles from Andrew’s (our BIL) birthplace. I can’t help but remember that mom was there when she went to Italy with the Guidis and I feel like some part of her is still there. Now that’s just plain weird!

I JUST NOW looked at the calendar and happened to mention to Howard that it’s Flag Day. Howard looked at me with a strange look on his face and reminded me it’s the day of his dad’s death. Wow. I need to “process” that. It’s hard to believe it was only 2 years ago.

Patty tells her mom she is not inclined to leave SD for a visit to AZ for Father’s Day but she goes anyway. Now that’s a breakthrough for her to feel like Oceanside is home!! She apparently is seeing a guy from school; I’m happy to hear that she has a friend to do things with.

15 June

Last night there was a wedding celebration that lasted until after 2am–the French have such nice traditions! During the night Lucky vomited in bed and I must deal with linens–thank goodness for OxyClean!

I am warned that our nephew wants to visit San Diego and stay at house while we are not there. I really don’t want Patty to play the hostess so I suggest that he come after we get back home. (He decides to vacation elsewhere.)

Patty took a 3-day surfing class in Oceanside and really had a great time. If she really enjoys it, we need to see about a used surfboard…

When I got home from the grocery store yesterday I dropped the 6-pack of St. Pelligrino water (fortunately they were plastic bottles). A combination of the bounce and the carbonation popped the caps partially off and jammed them on the bottles. We have tried and tried to open the bottles to no avail! We have even banged the bottles against the terrace railing in hopes that the carbonation would shoot the lids off but we still can’t open St. Pellegrino water! I guess they go into the recycling bin filled with water.

16 June

Today is chicken and dumplings part 2. I decide to make the noodle version. Howard’s grandmother from Tennessee made this version and he has fond memories of sucking the chicken feet she included in the dish. (But NO chicken feet on our dish!)

I’m not sure my noodles are any better or worse than the dumplings we made in part 1 of the recipe challenge but they are not great. I think they need to be thinner.



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